this is taken recently too... Today was a blur day... went to teacher house for lesson but ended up she made a mistake.. nvm is oki... but tml will be the actual one alreadi. So sad, my holiday seem to end earlier than everyone else. today went to hand up the fee for re-assessment. actually don't even want to bother but think ai ya just go lor and try again if really cannot pass then retake module or watever... don't care. Can't wait to get over and done with... stupide school, since young I have never hate going to school only NAFA gave me this feeling... mom said when i'm 3 yrs old I started to bug her to let me go school... and after that I havn't never hated going back to school during poly days is can't wait to go back... anyway, still had a nice dinner to compensate all my unhappiness la.. My darling brought me to siglap road and we walked and walked and finally decided to eat Secret Recipe.. wow... Yummy.. then we drove around to see the nice houses. How I wish one day I can stay in one of those nice ones... really sad can't wait to fix this idiot pc... or else I'm running out of photos to blog alreadi....

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