CNY relatives and vistation
On the same day, after dad's side, we went to mom's brother place, my 2nd uncle house. Happy to see other relatives esp those who appear once a year. hahaha...Anyway, the kids were the happiest as they get to play blackjack.

See the little boy, he is so excited to see his sister has her nail painted haha.... He is my fav nephew esp when he call 'Ah yi' Cute cute but mischievous.

These two are bro and sis aren't they cute too???? The children playing the fireworks... is their annual affairs too haha.... they are just so hyper...
Como deja q los niños jueguen con vengalas esta usted loca??, o loco?... deberia ver lo que ha pasado, en paises como aregetina por las vengalas, el caso crogmanon, podria investigar, la vida de los niños corren peligro, y fuera de eso, su blog esta bueno, lindas fotos, usted tiene una familia muy linda.
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