Long time no See!
Hi all, it's been a long time I last updated my blog. Been tired due to my preg and busy due to my teachings. I didn't even have time to catch up with frens who I didn't seee for months.
Now, I'm in my 21 weeks of my pregnancy. So happy, I'm almost half the journey, another 19 weeks to go, then the baby is out! Oh btw, my baby is boy boy, just in case I havn't shared with some of you. Estimated due date 19th oct 07, anybody birthday on that day too??? but may not be on time also, lets see how!
Went to the gynae today, did a thorough ultrasound check... so interesting, his feet is fully develop and look so cute...... moreover, he is so active when we doing the scan till the sonographer had a hard time capturing and measuring the different parts of his body.
He even hid his face, so poor daddy don't get to see his face today.
After all the measurement, the estimated weight of my baby is 354g.
For me, I'm so sad, I tot preg can eat more without feeling sinful but due to my back injury, I'm only allow 1 kg weight gain a month lei..... so from today, I"m on less carbo and salt and high fibre diet... sob sob.... there goes my chips, fries and many food.
We didn't get balloted for the new houe again..... 3rd time alreadi... so sad.. but we had applied for another one now... Let's hope God bless us with that one and moreover this one is cheaper too.....
Now only can submit and leave to God. Anyway, till now we are in no lack or shortage and things are in good hands of God. I'm thankful!
Still sick N Pregnant
Now I know why I"m sick.... Cos I'm pregnant.
Into my 12th week now, hope the baby is fine and growing well.
My 2nd appt this wed 4 apr, will be doing some test to check if the baby got down sydrome as well. But this appt the bill will be rather high..... and most impt, pray that the doc will appprove me to take up my driving lessons and test. I want a license
My overall pregnancy hasn't be easy, I have been complaining since day 1 but tahnk God i don't have morning sickness which is to throw up. I have huge appettite. So dear frens who havn't see me for a long time, the next time we meet don't be shock.
A close chuch sis will be getting married to a nice and charming man from china, Beijing. Her wedding will also be held in Beijing. Really don't bear to let her go, I'll pray to God that they will have a oppor to come back... However, I'm still thinking to go with her to Beijing to attend her wedding but as now i have a burden with me, I"m not sure if I"m fit enough to travel.
sigh sigh and i also need to find another companion to go with me cos my hubby no leave already.
Pray la....
After helping out in Sharon's wedding, I'm down alreadi. Finally fall sick.....Just mention in the last fellowship that last year was a good year that I hardly fell sick.
This year just beginning of the year, already start to have probs. 2 weeks back suffered from gastric and migraine. Now since Mon, I've very bad sore throat, cough like nobody bizness and cold. Got to cancel two days of classes to rest at home. Finally, body on 'strike'.
I feel so heart pain, need to pay for medical and stop lessons means lost $$.
Must eat more vitamins!!
2nd Round of my wedidng on 18th 06
After the busy church wedding, we went home for tea ceremony. Whether is fortunately or unfortunately, we only serve tea to the auntie generation. So all in all only have about 12 couples to serve. Mine was rather special, don't have to wear the traditional Kua and my mom has made a nice dress for me.... Indian sari clothes with mandarin collar.
This photo is taken with all my cousin nieces and nephews. Aren't they cute??
After this went to the hotel to get ready liao.....
After photos session at home, we went to check in to our hotel. Holiday Inn Parkview.
Good service and nice suite we had.
Some photos from the dinner. Our guestbook is a big sketchbook with poloraid photos of our guests and their signatures and greetings for us.
See my first march in and cut cake, we started at 8.20pm. The banquet manager did a good job in choreographing our march-in.
Then after the first march in and our 1st dish we went back to the suite to change to our 2nd suit and evening gown.
The most memorable thing is my fren sabotage, my darling perform a fantastic dance.
In the end, he was drunk after the wedding and I"m tipsy.
However, without the group of frens and co-ordinator, our wedding won't be so smooth.
Thank You all!
Most of all Thank God!
Photos at church 18th Nov 06
At the church, 11.15am. My pretty flowergal marched in with her small bouquet.
She is only 4 yrs old but pretty brave after the rehearsal. On the actual day, she did a good job.
Followed by my three bridemaids in blue. And little pageboy in front of me.
My dad bringing me into the church to hand me over to my husband to be.
Solemnisation: Exchange of vows and rings.
After signing the marriage cert.
Thank You Frens from JB.
Kah wai, tanfu and Bem.
Thank for the effort!
Thank You frens from NAFA. Actually missing Peifang and
her bf in the pic. Wasted la...
Thank you Church YouthWithour your support and Help, our wedding won't be flawless and smooth.
Thank God for your prayers and your talents!
Thank you to see you gals too!Esp Sharon for making an effort.
And so coincidence all dress up pretty retro.. and colorful.
Love you all!
Group photos with church SF and YF. SF good job for your singing during
the Signing of the marriage cert.
Angelic voices will definitely touched many hearts.
My 3 pairs of bridemaids and bestmen.
With my pageboy and flowergal.
To be continue..... my wedding dinner and photos and honeymoon trip to taiwan photos.
1st Round Wedding Complete
18th Nov 2006, My Wedding Date. A date to remember for life if nothing goes wrong. heehee
Woke up early to bathe and change to get ready for make up. Make up Artist arrived at 7.30am and he did my mom make up first. Followed by me.
Church wedding at 11am. The most memorable thing that happen at church is my dear Husband forget our ring. So, we had to drag the service to start late. THANK YOU to Andy that he flew back home to take for us. He was back at 12 noon. Thank God, he drove at 140lm/hr nothing happen, Pastor Teo sermon also long enuff for the arrival of the rings. That day the sermon was good, even Granny said was good. Dad's fren also said good. I'm relieved.
Saying of the vows was scary, so afraid that I said the wrong words... haa but no major wrong words tho not very exactly to wat is in that book.
PHotos taken at the church wedding has difficulty downloading into the same pages will try to put some photos up.
1 Week to my Big DAy!
ONe more week to my Big Day and I'm sick. I suffering from tonsilitis, pain to speak and to swallow even saliva. So, painful. Many things happen from these last two weeks alreadi for the Big Day.
Last fri, 10 Nov, our new furniture arrived form JB. Quite a good bargain set. Ppl comments are cheap and good. I'm happy for that I have a decent looking furniture. But had hard time packing my room cos have to throw away lots of things which have been with me for so long. So sad...... and the cleaning is so tired and exhausting cos of my tonsilitis, I also had migraine and headache. I Thank God for my DAd, he has helped me lots and lots with this new furniture.
Yesterday, designed my guestbook.. Happy with my artwork and thank you my cousin wanling, who has helped me with all the pasting.
Darling was away from last wed and arrived this morning 9am. Without him around, really feel so sad and demoralised to do the cleaning so tiring. Felt emotional unstable too.. cos why am I doing all myself. But, after seeing him tis morning, all the sad feeling is gone...
The bulletin for the church service was designed by Angeline, my church sister, very talented in design..... I love the cover pic so much.... She sent for printing at our church printer but we have to do the cutting and tying ourselves....
REally want to Thank God tat he knew I need men power tonight and so happen two cousins came, Valerie and Verene. So both of them and my sis helped me to cut and tie the bulletin. After not long, Rongfa came, he came with lots and lots of delicious food which I can't eat... Nicholas and Emily also came. Jason too.... I'm so happy to see all of them.. Thank you all so much, truly and sincerely thank you for your great Help!!
I still have more to cut.. Hope RF free to help me tml......
Pray that I'll recover soon! I have seen 2 times chinese physician and 1 time western doctor.
Night all, got to sleep.
Felt alot of gratitude and happiness that I want to mark it in my blog so typed this blog but I need to sleep alreadi or else my swollen tonsil won't subside.
1 Week to my Big DAy!
ONe more week to my Big Day and I'm sick. I suffering from tonsilitis, pain to speak and to swallow even saliva. So, painful. Many things happen from these last two weeks alreadi for the Big Day.
Last fri, 10 Nov, our new furniture arrived form JB. Quite a good bargain set. Ppl comments are cheap and good. I'm happy for that I have a decent looking furniture. But had hard time packing my room cos have to throw away lots of things which have been with me for so long. So sad...... and the cleaning is so tired and exhausting cos of my tonsilitis, I also had migraine and headache. I Thank God for my DAd, he has helped me lots and lots with this new furniture.
Yesterday, designed my guestbook.. Happy with my artwork and thank you my cousin wanling, who has helped me with all the pasting.
Darling was away from last wed and arrived this morning 9am. Without him around, really feel so sad and demoralised to do the cleaning so tiring. Felt emotional unstable too.. cos why am I doing all myself. But, after seeing him tis morning, all the sad feeling is gone...
The bulletin for the church service was designed by Angeline, my church sister, very talented in design..... I love the cover pic so much.... She sent for printing at our church printer but we have to do the cutting and tying ourselves....
REally want to Thank God tat he knew I need men power tonight and so happen two cousins came, Valerie and Verene. So both of them and my sis helped me to cut and tie the bulletin. After not long, Rongfa came, he came with lots and lots of delicious food which I can't eat... Nicholas and Emily also came. Jason too.... I'm so happy to see all of them.. Thank you all so much, truly and sincerely thank you for your great Help!!
I still have more to cut.. Hope RF free to help me tml......
Pray that I'll recover soon! I have seen 2 times chinese physician and 1 time western doctor.
Night all, got to sleep.
Felt alot of gratitude and happiness that I want to mark it in my blog so typed this blog but I need to sleep alreadi or else my swollen tonsil won't subside.