Busy week
I hate this week....it passed to fast....I have no time for anything and I"m tired tired tired.....
Havn't had enough sleep for so long so tired, sleep every nite at lastest 2am and have to wake up at 7am Arrgggghhh....so tired how to concertrate
No time to pract too....no one can believe that I doze off when I pract sigh....see everybody progress so fast and I"m still a snail crawling, really worry.....
Today playing class was such a disappointment....how come i can't play something more???why?? How come the la salle students can have time for so many pieces??? don't understand.........God I need an answer...
Will keep it short....to sian alreadi and lots of work waiting for me....

Their wedding bands in the cute pillow....

The Girls only pictures.....

Fondue at Sam rest....YUMMY!!

Group photos with all our partners. Except the newly wed...cos they are too busy...

Me and my darling!!

Group Photos...rare photo...all of us in the pictures....So happy... full attendance

The Newly wed couple. Jen and Marcus. Don't they look good...See their matching clothing, make up of the bride. So pretty....
My Eventful Sats - Part 2 - 12th Mar
Wake up early, to teach till 1.30pm. Realise my face not in a very good state, so quickly took a nap. Woke up at 3.30pm, then wash hair and face. Then mom blow my hair for me. While she is doing that I put on my make up hahaha....iron and change into a nice clothes.
Must be thinking why am I so particular about dressing up? Cos is my good fren aka godsis, Jen and her husband to be ROM. Is 6pm at a condominium function room in Bukit timah...sigh so far. Receive an sms to reach earlier so we manage to reach there at 5.15pm by cab.
Shortly after I reached, Ryan, his gf, guay, may and mui arrived. Then my parents, followed by sharon and weihua, Ann and ken, guizhu.. last few were elmo, seng, cheryl and ben.....
All the guests and relatives also arrived.... A small function room so no seating space.
Then Elmo's hubby, Ah Seng, enlightened us that the table intended to use for the solemnization is not pretty, there's no skirting, after asking the catering staff they don't have spare skirting too.....so no choice got to shift two tables with the metal legs. Boy! they are difficult, but no worry the skirting came off but we have professional ah seng hahhahaa....he fix it back and better then the catering staff. ahahahahha...so tired and hot....we're all perspiring like mad.
Me and David quickly fix up the sound system. Moving the speakers, adjusting the volume, put the mic and test the mics. Quite a bit. And we are using the laptop to play the music so we took sometimes to figure out the pc and there're so many stuff in the pc and it loads so slowly.....Nerve wrecking....panic sia....
Finally everything in place, the table set up, the rings are tied to the pillow. The JP arrived. The couples and their families also arrived...At 6.30pm, they make a grand entrance with their fav song Perfect moment'. Then the soleminization started. As this has no rehearsal or watever, the couples looked pretty nervous. The most memorable one was the groom forget to take out his engagement rings for the wedding bands. Then he quickly took it off on the spot. heehee....They looked so goood that nite. Bride pretty and groom handsome.... with matching color gown and shirt. (see pic)
After that dinner time, we are all so hungry....hahaa oh one funny thing the eclair they ordered are not enuff, few of us didn't had a chance to eat.....mui and cheryl and elmo were so sad....then the mango pudding too...it look so good. We tot both plates had finished everybody were so sad. Then miracle, the staff brought out the suppose 2nd plate....you should see the joy in their faces so funny...as it they found treasure.....feel like a kid... so good. And is YUMMY!! idiot David took a plate and finish 3/4 of it....I only take 1/4....bully me....
Then we took lots of picture, its really a rare oppor with everybody presence.....so we are like stars taking pics...with and without the newly wed couple cos they are too busy too....
After the wedding, we went to OC -Sam rest. for tea.... and we had fondue....wow wide selections.. then KTV session at Party world....So long didn't hear Guay sing....He still sings so well.....hope one day he will be head-hunted....
At 1am, we left for home....so tired, sticky and hot.... cos of the humid weather that nite. Reached home bathe, arranged photos till 3am then sleep....
But is really a good and joyous day to see frens getting married... The next confirmed couple is Ben and Cheryl in October....then I hope Sharon too....Ann gonna have her chinese wedding end of the year if she can find a hotel or restaurant....gonna be so broke...
Oh! must compliment my Darling, he loooked handsome that day!

Dear drunk Sharon after few cups of red wine. Hahha...don't she look cute?

Tired me and Mui mui in her sexy top.

Our birthday babies again. Aren't they look like couple in this pic? But too bad they are both happily attached.

Another group Photo with Mui this time. But Elmo still not in cos didn't join us as she just flew back from Taipei...sigh...

Birthday Girl and boy. Cutting their cake after our wonderful singing. hahah

Our Group photos of the night. Taken with my camera timer. Miss mui and elmo.
My two Eventful Sats - Part 1 - 5th Mar
Yes today very exciting day cos we are celebrating 3 happiness in 1 nite. Cheryl's has book a hotel room in
Scarlet Hotel for us. So, all of us will be meeting at the hotel at 5.30pm.
Not knowing where is it, I arranged to meet guizhu to go together so we met at Chinatown Station.
Left the house then realised that nobody sharing Cheryl's present and nobody said if they bought a cake for the birthday girl and boy too cos is Ryan's birthday this month. Thus there are 2 happiness alreadi. So a bit rush, I stop at Bugis, grab Cheryl's presents at my favourite shop and a cake at four leaves and rush down. Then blur blur me make a mistake for outram park station as chinatown station. So was late lor, so pai sei.
When we reached the hotel, the outlook of the hotel used black as their main color. When we reached the entrance, there's a tall man who dress in a black and red trench coat open the door for us. He looked like a vampire ahahaha....then when we went into the lift, the concierge actually know cheryl is the person who book the room 231.
Heng...........not the latest hahaha... oh the 3rd happiness is to celebrate Jenny's hen's nite. She and Marcus going to ROM next sat. So three lor... After all had reached. We started our feast.
Drank wine and volka. We played a number game so unlucky, me and sharon drank most of the red wine. Then Sharon cannot take it alreadi she became blur and tired and sleepy...see photo ahahhhahah...............she going to kill me.
Then suddenly, we realised a big solitaire diamond ring on Cheryl's 4th finger (left hand). So, we all sat down and question her...... So, Ben had proposed to her on a planned korea skiing trip so romantic. He actually kneeled down.....so romantic. Oh, debate on guy should kneel down when propose start to arise hahahah and all the funny reasons....had a good laugh.
After 11pm, Mui came after work. We sang birthday songs for the birthday babies and cheers to their birthday and jen's hen nite. We left for second round at the nearby pub. Ryan brought ask there. Our aim is to make Jen's drunk which is the norm la since is her hen's nite. hahah... But that nite, she didn't sleep well thus can't really hold the alchohol and she vomited quite a bit.
Mui too vomited sigh.....So, left me, guay and ryan lor.....
Surprisingly, after drinking so much i'm still quite sober ahhaha...Thank to Glenn after our few drinking sessions, I can hold better now. ahhhhhaha.........
Then sent Jen to Marcus's house then went home. The moment I get out of the cab, I start to blur alreadi the rest I can't really remember, bathe and slept I think. What happen have to ask my Darling....seem quite tough to look after me tat nite hahah....
What an eventful day rite? still got part two on 12th Mar.
Photos for this part 1 is on top.