Poly Fren Gathering

Today was our poly frens class gathering but sad to say end up only 10 of us actually not bad half the class turn up tho. our side jenny couldn't turn but the other half of the class liping joined us. I"m happy that she is joining us more and hope she will be in future.
Okie we met at thai express at esplanade at 6pm. Bought my gift exchange and reached there about 10 min late and met elmo on my way

After went in, found out that Sharon lost her way in the bus she took and will be very late. We went ahead without her ahahah. The food are not bad but the ambience is good. After our dinner, Sharon reached panting and perspire like nobody biz. ahah. ... They wanted desserts so I suggested Tea Room, they said oki and we went..... then they just started complaining.... and critising...I am upset. Keep quiet and tried to make myself happy. Anyway, after dinner, they are going for KTV, doesn't care if I go or not so I decided not to even Guay asked out of courtesy.... cos I personally don't like it... rather go home and can't wait to get home... oh! met Yiwei, I don't know why but felt happy to see her there.... just brighten my mood at that moment. Watever, maybe I"m over sensitive.... Called Darling on my walk home from interchange, told him how I felt and he consoled me with a rather good and acceptable theory thus, don't feel so sad but I still quite disturbed by it... just don't understand.. Why Minyu and YS will liked the place not them??? maybe I also shouldn't intro to church ppl or else they gonna find something to complain that place. Forget it... I don't want anyone to spoil my mood if I want to go back there again.... Tat's a place I feel I can calm down and think of things...
Came home uploaded my photos.
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