Whole week - 21st - 25th Feb
This whole week is a busy week. I felt so tired that finally I couldn't take it anymore. I skipped two lesson on Thurs to go home and rest and slept for 2 hours. Really don't wish to do that but I have not choice or else I'm going to scold anybody that come by.... which is not very nice. Anyway, felt much better after the sleep. Today also feel good.
Bought a Creative 5GB mp3 player at the promotion price. The sales uncle very funny. He said since the Creative personnel didn't come to collect the remaining stock after the sales period. He will still sell it to me at the promotion price. Buy la why not! Dad and I split half hahah....
Didn't played well in class today, Ms Ching found out that I didn't pract enuff. Where got time?? So many homework...sigh....
Nevermind, worst thing is I got 2 more students....I tried to reject but just can't...very persisitance moms.... ai yo stress man.....
God, is it your will to have these two students?? If yes, pls help me through these few months or else I'll die of stress....
Thank You! Praise you!

Celebration after the concert! The concert pic has to wait, in Glenn's camera

David and I...difficult to take pictres in that chairs...

At Introbar with Angeline

wine glass
Exciting Sat - Concert
Today cancelled all my lesson with my students cos got to go for rehearsal with Glenn and YMC at 1.30pm then concert performance at 5pm. So nervous. And the boy can't make up his mind to go or not to go.....So, back to religion,I prayed for guidance and answer. Thank God he answered my prayer. Glenn called and said his teacher called him many times till he answer the phone call and asked him to perf. So go lor!
As usual, he is late la... the rehearsal started at 2pm... and the time clicking but Glenn hasn't appear yet. Make me so nervous. I'm so nervous when I saw the programme few of the accompanists are actually graduates and experienced piano teacher. So scary. Don't know what they gonna said if they hear my horrible playing. Kept praying.... or else I don't have the courage to continue. Finally, he appeared.
Both of us didn't warm up so didn't really sound, but we manage to play thru together and non stop. That's a good sign???
Went for a light tea and went back to school to rehearsed and to warm up. 5pm....concert started but our item is after the interval..so we packed up and slowly walked to YMC.
5.40pm, interval started. We went to our seats....to get ready.
End of Interval -- our turn. Arghhh.....so nervous but before that Glenn and I was trying to make ourselves feel sad as the piece we are playing is for the death. We did that. Went up to the stage. He didn't give me time to adjust my chair and he asked for his tuning note.... OOopps..no choice had to give him the note and adjust my chair lor....look rather pathetic...but who cares!
After the tuning, I start with my 8 times of C minor chords. Then he came in with his Eb a very expressive and nice tone that touches me and I was able to keep in the mood. Glenn played well. I could hear the nice and warm and loud tone that I like from his playing. Kinda of inspired me as wat Mrs Illano said too.... I keep telling myself no wrong notes and stay calm.
So sorry, I seem to rush him... esp the first passages, I almost 'killed' him.... I just can't control I keep telling myself slower but hands not listening. Anyway, show has to continue....tried my best. We ended the pieces with a slight mistake as we didn't come in in time for the last 2nd bar notes but no prob cos Glenn is such a good actor.... he cover up as tho suppose to be...hahhahahaa....admire his acting skills...
We heard applause, bowed and walked....
Wat an experience, my first performance for public....Exciting but nerve- wracking!
Thank Glenn for giving this chance... and Thank God too! I hope this performance is glorifiying.
Thank God who answered my prayer or else I don't think I can played tat piece through....
I'll worked and learned, 5 years later, let's do it again!
Went to Introbar for a drink, good drinking session, got abit high but the feeling was good.
Pictures above taken at the bar.
New Years Eve
Finally is New Year Eve.........wake up late and relax till 11am when Glenn ask me out to go Chinatown. So sad, most probably his last CNY here in Singapore.. Gonna miss him..but i think he will miss his dear more la... hahah....Oh...Tristan came too, so long didn't see him.
Anyway, the weather was horrible, hot and sorching. Can't stand, got slight headache. We walked along the stalls that sell all the new year goodies and stuff. Then ended up chatting and enjoying the aircon in Chinatown point Mac Donald.
Till 5.10pm, Tristan and I accompanied Glenn to Happy bar to find his dear lor.. Nice chap but look a bit shock to see us I think....nvm...Then walk to tanjong Pagar mrt with tristan and take train to Kembangan.
Called dad, Godpa and Cousin KQ came to fetch him...First time going to Cousin KQ and his wife new house. They bought after their marriage. Nice house. Had a very spacious living room too bad the rooms are bit smaller. House decor was good. Very zen....
Had Steamboat. Cousin -in-law Meiyan's mom, my mom and godma prepared for the whole dinner. When the power combines, the whole dinner was smooth and good. Fresh prawns and scallop and lots of vege...Ate so full till can't eat anything else after tat.
Watch tv, catch up with another cousin KH. So sad, all of us so busy, only meet once or twice a year. Both cousins and cousin-in-law are always flying ard for their job......HK, Indo, German, States.....don't know still got where. They are all earning big bucks....so stress. Don't know if I can't earn as much as them next time. Pray la and leave to God!
Happy New Year! passed 12 alreadi.
New Year's Eve Eve - Perf Class
Sigh....so long didn't update my blog...So is either i'm busier or lazier............or both. Sometimes really wonder do my frens read my blog?? guys and gals, do leave some comments on my tag board.
Performance class today, finally after delay a week, can't escape anymore. But really have to thank God, cos I was thinking whether to change my performance to the next group. So, I prayed and leave to God's guidance, and Thank God, he gave me a light- Mrs Phua fall sick, and I got to delay for a week, so I don't have to change. And got to see my teacher twice before the performance.
Oh...today...tot many ppl had gone back to their hometown for new year, but who know other fellow classmates pop by and seat for the perf class. Sian....so nervous, I'm so cold and so panic. Keep praying for calmness...and recalling my piece. Glenn said wanted to pop by but he didn't came in the end cos was held up and also good, the amount ppl alreadi freak me off.
Thank God, for the 1st time I could play through with lesser hesitation and no breakdowns. Was unstable in the beginning two systems. Then was rather stable through the whole piece.
Tot Mrs Phua will give some good advice but in the end she seem rather reluctant to teach or she dont' know how.....watever. I trust my teacher now.
Receive a new Franck's piece, sight-read with Minyu, hmmm..we need to pract esp me...i regretted taking my part But I also worry if I take the melody part will get lots of 'More More' from RP. Sorry Minyu, I think if she said anything about bringing out the melody, you can consult your 'gentle giant'. I may need to ask him some stuff too.. Feel so bad sometimes to take up your principle time.
Tml is new year eve, made appointment with Jane to do Pedicure and manicure. Know wat, I spent 2 hrs at the shop and finish at 12.30 midnite. hahaha.....So dark had to ask Dad to bring me home. And it cost me a bomb. But nevermind once a year. Put dried flower and crystals hahaha vain...