Start of School HOli
finally waited break had arrived.
Attended the YAMAHA school talk in our school today. They are really selling their benefits and lucrative programme they gave to teacher.
I'm actually quite attracted by it esp the CPF contribution. Hmmm... may try next year if not doing the degree next year.
I'm in dilemma to take the degree course anot. Age, Family, Future, Career plans.... sigh... kinda of blur.
I definitely had my reasons for both.... but will be long story to type it out I"m just lazy.
Anyway, lots of work to do and due after school holi start and I heard there's a test after school starts
A student cum fren not learning from me anymore. kInda of sad, but is her decision and I respect it.
Mom cooked today, so happy and so rare of her to do tat. I had a wonderful dinner, so happy and contented.
Gtg bathe and start doing some works.
School holi tat is not a HOLI
Why??? Officially, holi starts on the 1st but then, next mon - tue still need to go to school with all the additional masterclasses to attend ... sickening school.
Pay me back my holi fee then.... make me go back to school.
Today attended a masterclass by Prof Lee Kum Sing, first masterclass with rather good attendance, alot of public ppl sat in. Alot of teachers (school and private) came to see the masterclass. Why? cos this master is a prestigious pianist in singapore but now staying overseas. He is rather old alreadi but still energetic when he taught.
Initially, planned to do some own reading during the masterclass but was caught by his charisma when he played the piano and the way he taught.
I heard from classmate that he is our teachers' teacher before he left for overseas perf and teachings.
He applied from martial arts - kung fu, qi kung into playing of piano. He used a pencil's eraser to poke the piano and yet produce melodious legato to explain finger legato. There's wow wow sound when he did tat.
The students tone change and sounded nicer just after he taught them, he is just so effective.
Oh, his right hand little finger is paralysed yet, he still played all the thick chords better than anyone in school.
The way he teach sounded like my PS teacher. Wonder is she was his student before??
Err.. got to prepare my piece for the next group lesson with another master - singapore prestigious pianist Dennis LEe.... stress... I'm not prepare yet but heard that he is a super nice guy.
Had a unhappy lesson with my teacher cos of me me me!
Upsetting day!
Music of 20thC composers
Today had a very interesting music history lesson. This sem we are learning on the music of the composer after post war (after 1945).
Then, Dr Tan went through with us few composition composed in 1960s. She showed us this composer call La monte Young. amazing and sicko composition.
There's few I could roughly remember:
1. push the piano to the wall in a direction, pushed all the way into the wall, pushed till the performer is tired, tat's the end of the piece. (see wat I meant?) there's no notes
2. have few butterflies in a room, let the butterflies out, when they all flew out of the window of the room, tat's the end of the piece.
Argghh... don't understand. But very innotative.
Another composer, is Annea Lockwood, a new zealander.
She composed a piano burning piece. Yes literally burn the piano.
Check out this website, this guy performed this piece but with a baby grand'm felt so pain for the piano.
Bells are Ringing!
Kinda of excited that after our parents had discussed on our wedding issues last weekend. Now, we are supposed to go ahead to plan and let them know the updates.
So for this month:
1. find our dinner venue for singapore and jb
2. headcounts of the guests
3. budget plan.
Soon, next year will have more stuff to church marriage counselling, wedding package need to discuss on the details. ...da.da.da...etc
More to come.... but never mind, submit and God will lead!
Church brother and sisters are very supportive, keep us in prayer esp finance.
Can't wait to see my mom make my wedding gown.
Oh, mom's fren gonna come over to make the whole wedding very fun, don't see them as auntie, they are cool aunties... I have witness tat in Yvonne's wedding hahaha....
The next wedding will be mom's fren Aunti Raji's son this year, a pilot marrying a air stewardess... wow pretty couple.
Gonna be a RC church wedding!
David's Granny birthday celebration 14 Aug 05

Last weekend, my parents and I went to JB, David's house for 2 days. Reason is his Granny's 71 year old birthday and is carried forward for celebration. This celebration gonna be a rather big scale one. Cos Granny and David's mom had invited 40 ppl and they have booked 4 tables at the Danga Bay chines restaurant. We reached on Sat afternoon, not a bad jam so reach about 5pm plus. We checked into the crystal crown hotel cos david's house is too packed no rooms.
Then his mom drove over to picked us up. Very nice and kind of his mom that she let David used her car for the two days we were there to fetch my parents around. Then we went to his house to have dinner. When we reached, as usual honey (dog) will welcome us. haha...
Saw auntie meilin (david's aunt) , her husband uncle mic and steph who has came back from florida. Dinner we had popiah... yummy yummy, granny had made all the ingredient herself, David ate 6 fat popiah lor... my parents, his sis and me ate about 2. then we went shopping!
See the girl in the picture, this is steph... She has grown so tall that I couldn't recognise her. She still looked pretty. Eurasian, pretty without her american accent. She looked fit too and after chitchatin with her realise that she wake-board during the weekend. So cool and guess wat she is only 15 yrs old. Oh! she has a boyfrien too.....
On sunday, we checked out from the hotel, then went over to david's house, then we heard bad new from david's sis that she had scratched Tony's car (her bf) when driving out from the carpark. The car is not tony's it belongs to his sis - new toyota corolla.
A picture of the grandchildren in the house, David was teasing his sis that she is the shortest among all, even the bro and steph who are both 15 yrs are taller than her hahaha.... very bad!
After the wonderful lunch at the resturant, we went home to cut cake, the birthday cake ( pic above) was bought by the david's mom and auntie. 
The celebration ended with a family photo. nice photo taken cos of the different color, granny looked very happy.
Then david and andrea and me went to see this uncle for massage, he is like a sain sei. He could fix bones and pain. out of the 3 andrea suffered most. she was toss ard.
Then we left for singapore and reached home at 8pm plus very tired and another day of school!
Church Outing 8 aug

Church brothers organised an outing on the eve of national day! We are going to East coast park.
Rather excited cos we are going to play treasure hunt and fellowship with brothers and sister in christ.

When I reached there I was rather shocked to see all the kids in our church there. Their parents had brought them there in the late afternoon, the SF are playing with them with all the flouresent stick brought by uncle Dave and Rongfa (later). They are all in their hyper mode. So, funny to see them screaming and shouting and chasing one another.
Some played soccer la, as usual mans and boys.. the mothers are the ones that busy chitchatting and looking after all the food yummy food lei, got curry and popiah ahahah....
We started with treasure hunt, wow uncle lake really kills us, we walked so far to complete the stations. 16 stations and cover 3 km. My butt and legs hurts man.....
After the treasure hunt, I'm worn out but the rest still play wacko game. ahah so funny when the little ones join us.
We sang hymns and admire and listen to Moses wonderful guitar skills and technique, he had perfect pitch he can picked up any songs and hymns anytime, so we teased his gf if he serenade her often ahaha.... jummy and jason joined too.
Then we ended the day at 2 am in the morning, slept and woke up to attend Preacher Jonathan yeo and grace church wedding at 11am. Almost can't get up so tired, everyone of us looked so tired at the service.
Then we went to watch Charlie and the choc factory after the church wedding and this ended my holiday.
Another day of school
Thurs! Wat a day to remember. After so many unhappy events happening in my life, another happen again. I had a big fall. Was walking out of school and walking to the bus stop to take bus to teacher house. Yest was raining heavily too, so don't know how I lost balance, my leg slip and I fell backwards and sat on the floor.
PAINFUL! tat's all I can feel at that time. Tried to stand up quickly to avoid embarrasement but can't is just too painful to do tat have to squat first then slowly stand up.
Then, the left palm swollen right in front of my eyes, disgusting and painful. The pain at my tail bone started to aggravate. I start to feel the ache slowly get worst. Then evey step I take on my left leg hurts. During lesson, thank God, I can seat there but the moment I stretch octave, I have to say
OUCH! cos is so painful and no strength.
No choice got to cancel piano lesson for student and can't attend fellowship. Darling came to fetch me from school and on our way back he made the wrong turn and we had to travel the long way back and had to let my family members to wait for us for 20mins for dinner sigh!!! After dinner, darling drove me back to see the chinese physician.... ate medicine and apply medication.
Thanks bro and sis in christ for your prayers. Why? Cos doc said I may not be able to wake up to go school. But, I could! and I manage to pract in the morning but RH only. Choir practice (but i had a bad headache instead, thank to minyu for helping me to massage to relieve pain or else i think i can't even attend the workshop) and attend the kodayl method workshop and played for prayer meeting.
Amazing! I can do so many things.
Oh~ and I receive so many sms of concern from church sis. Gals, Thank you so much! You all are so sweet too! Muack!
So the MC is not used. hahah....
God is GREAT!