Chinese New Year Time!
Finally another past and it's chinese new year again.
But same as last year i'm in the mood to enjoy the holidays fully and not springcleaning.
Guess this year I'm not in the mood to do tat and anyway i'll be busy till the eve so can forget about it.
Probably will do tat when i'm renovating my room for my wedding.
Wish all Happy Chinese New Year!!
Thank you all
Thank you dear frens for all the wishes and happy birthday sms.... Really happy that you all remembered.
NAFA frens thanks for the big card and wishes, really liked it.
Actual Day of my Birthday
This year gonna be the most memorable one.
Darling said we will go for a simple dinner and I"m fine since we had budget constraint in a way.
We met at citylink mall cos I wanted to eat at sake dining. Nice ambience tho small but the food is a bit different from the other sake sushi.
While waiting I went into Lee Hwa Jewellery, don't blame me, the black pearl lure me in.... heehee... Saw two pairs of wedding band that I really kind of like cos been looking around and nothing attracts me.

The next thing I know, Darling walked into Lee Hwa with a big bag of precious moments plastic bag and a big bouquet of flowers. I'm shocked, surprised. It's been so long (3 years) he bought me flowers. And as usual from our regular florist. From her, I'll have surprised each time. Again, I had imported flowers, beautiful, special and nice fragrant. Huge..... and heavy but worth it don't care about weight it's the tots tat counts.
After dinner, I wanted to show him the solitaire diamond that I saw the other time and finally the sales girl found wat I wanted and to my surprise he bought!!!!!

Then we went home. I open the precious moments gifts and the presents were so cute cute cute.... unresistable.... is a set of precious moments figurine and he also applied the membership card for me... YEAH! this means I can buy more at cheaper price, he knew me so well....I longed that for so long, my neck stretch like giraffe. Been a long time ago, I told him about it.. and he actually remember or just happen to strike the jack pot?? anyway, cool darling!
The finale item for the evening, He Proposed with the ring!!! I'll spare the details cos was unromantic but very sincere.
And Yes! a good birthday this year to mark my last singlehood birthday! ;-p
Birthday Celebration 3
Third Day of my birthday dinner hahahah..... had dinner with Minyu and KC.
We had dinner at PS the Manhatten Fish market. Nice place a dublicate of Fish & Co. Very alike in many ways.
But not bad after all....
We had a good laugh and chit chat on how to plan for Minyu's 21th Birhtday.... Gal I think the pissed drunk suggestion is still better than the skinny dip one.... Think about it...
KC nice chapt, studious but that day too quiet.
Yinsher, you left school too early or else will definitely ask you along.
Birthday celebration part 2
Had a nice and cosy dinner with my family at changi airport terminal 2. Had always like that place and they had so many new restaurant so I bought my parents to eat 'PAsta Fresca'
Good they liked the food and had a good chit chat and then took David's pick-up home.
Thank you!
Birthday celebration Part 1
It's my birthday again and gonna be the last singlehood birthday. hahahaha!
I'm happy to have a group of old poly frens who organise and celebrated my birthday for me. Thank you MUI MUI for your hard work and I know its not easy to co-ordinate our group of frens as all are busy.
But it was successful, 8 turned up including me and partners there were total 11 of us. We had dinner at 'Changing Appettite" they liked the food and we all got membership card. heehee...
Then we moved from this place to Zion Road one of the dessert place call 'Tong shui'. Nice place decorated in French Chinese colonial style. Then they bought a cake for me which suppose to be a surprise for me la but the 'retarded' waiter let the cat out of the bag.
Thank you Buddies for the presents and cards. Thank God that the presents they gave me were wat I wanted for my birthday. Poor Darling saw me opening each present and found out those were what I wanted he almost rolled down the chair. HAHAHAH.....He said they spoiled market but he also too slow la... they bought first hahhaha.....So poor him has to wrecked his brain........
Sigh Sigh
Sometimes I really don't like being a woman. Why? Cos have to suffer pain very month
and more pain if it is delayed.
MOn..,. Great la, wat a time to get pain la
Migraine + backache+ cramps= Very pain..... cannot seat up.... wat is this??? (grumbles and grumbles) I shouldn't be but no choice.
This month was unbearable and lots of frustration. Actually no migaraine cos being forced to play for group lesson and teacher ask me to finish memorising two movements too nervous and stress out.....I can't take it.........
I"m glad there's no such thing as reborned for the next life. So, I'll be Heaven with God with no pain and flooor tiled with diamonds and precious stones....CAn't wait ! Must be thinking I'm mad. But I"m don't think so la.... maybe emotionally unbalance.
Somebody helped me!!!
Back to School 3-1-06
Today is the 1st day at school, to my surprise alot of ppl had permed their hair too. All kinds of perms, very interesting scene in school today.
Everybody look so happy to be in school, getting ready for class.
But, I"m just not in the mood for school YET! I couldn't wake up in time and was dragging my feet to school. Think I had enjoy my holiday too much.
Noonononon... got to get prepare. This sem is a super rush one. Exam will end in May 1st week
So after my birthday, tat's it, no more social life for me till CNY.
Got to start preparing my pieces.
Got to ZZZzz now!