As promise more pictures, these are pictures of the couple in the show, look out for the pendant that rain wore in the show. Is sold online and cost US$74, it is so exp. I like the 4th pic on the second from the left to right. Aren't they good looking? Oh and the last episode got one scene is so unforgettable is inside too beside the pendant. MUST watch to know why! individual photos will come so but my pc not very co-operative lei...sigh

This collage pic has more of the couple photo in the show full house. More to come. need time to surf net.

This is one has more of his solo photo. He look so cute, my favs is third row no. 2 & 4 and last row no. 2. more to come......awaits

Finally, i manage to put this pic on my blog, isn't he cute, this is one of his concert pic.
It's been a long while I updated my blog. Sorry really too busy, now also can't seem to track back much stuff. So, I"ll briefly mention few events will do to keep a record.
First, I must say I have seriously idolised Rain. He is so so cute. Even my auntie is crazy over the show full house too. Oki, I finally bought the DVD. And know wat I finished the 22 episode in 2 days and 1 nite. And I have watch almost 3 times alreadi. Dead..... keep watching..... OH not only me even my parents are crazy over this show. Yes! a Good Show indeed.
Oh found this website that can read on korean pop news
http://www.kpopmusic.com/news.shtmlhe is so cute, he is more handsome than edison and stuff.
HK have to stand aside seriously for a while
He gonna hit US too but not as hurricane of course....
2ndly, we celebrated RF's birthday on last fri 23 sept 2005. Was a good one. Everyone had fun I guess. but the eating rounds is amazing. We had 3 rounds of food and drinks. Really eat till we drop. 1st - changing appetite in Marina square, 2nd - esplanade via mar rest, 3rd - makansutra place beside esplanade. Then Darling sent everyone home. Tired but glad that everyone reached home safely. Lucky Darling trained in JB to drive long hours and to drive frens home even they stayed far. I remember he sent fren home after our ya char session in 2 am all the way back to don't know where I think permas...it took us so long that I fell asleep.
So, dear sis Cat, don't feel bad, most impt, you reached home safely.
3rdly, Had a lousy lesson with ms ching cos didn't pract properly not in a mood lei, could be one of my mood swings or don't feel like pract week.
4thly, we have to change our wedding dates to 16 Dec, why?? cos David's bro doing his Os next year so we got to postpone so he can enjoy in participating after his exam. He cannot do badly, cos he is the youngest and not stupid. He is smart tho or else how can he skip a grade in pri school? hahah... heard was common, don't know lei... nvm....
lastly, hotel for my wedding banquet. So sian, never tot will be so difficult. But, it is.
Pray and submit to God, may He leads us.
Another week has passed. Times flies.....
Grin! Full House ;-\

I have fall in love with 'Him', a korean star from a show I happen to watch on sun. Tat's Rain. Rain Rain Rain..... he is so charming. He starred with song hye kyo in Full House. Thinking of buying the dvd or vcd. See how. maybe should buy his cds too hahaha... I'm mad. I can't stop thinking of him .... die.... The sound track ran out of stock online and he became very popular in taiwan and HK. Then he was haunted by HK prapazzi at his Korean house.
Poor thing.
These are the photos from the drama. Aren't they compatibles and isn't he cute and charming??

Today was a rather happy day but really a SLEEPY day for me
Don't know why I just felt very tired for the past two days.
Thus needless to say, kept falling asleep in lecture and lunch concert.
Even worst today counterpoint test, I did it half asleep, I just can't keep awake.
Had a group lesson with dennis lee before he caught a flight back to UK with his wife. He is such a nice guy, so nice and friendly and energetic. His lesson is so enjoyable but not too long cos can be rather tired. Today was from 2-6pm. Can't tahan man....
My was the last 3. Played the Brahms for him, he said I played well and I have played most of the stuff is needed in the score. hahaha Thanks to Ms Ching of her strictness in details. So happy. The funniest thing was I was trying my best to put emotion to the music but still not totally and fumbled a bit. And, he actually said he can feel the out of love and the dishearten of love emotion of Brahms when he wrote this piece. HAHAHA I didn't even realise but thank to him he helped me to see few things too.
Weird, today I spoke and had a conversation with Mrs phua hahaha... weird. But since she initiated the conversation so don't show that I'm too cool so chat with her. She complimented that teresa had slimmed down and me too which i don't totally agree cos mine weight is fluctuating. But I told her my reason for slimming down too. The smile for this was rather sincere. Ask her about her Hk trip, she said was good. OHOH! she said that Dennis couple stayed in London. Glenn do you know? or heard of? or any performance by them in UK??
Just found out that Valerie had flew to UK Uni of Wales for her Master Program. So good, I wished I'll be able to do that one day. So Glenn, you won't be too lonely, can ask her out if got few more days break.
Rushing MOA anaylsis assignment now. Sigh... due tomorrow but I think many will not hand up anyway.. But clear it la.. better than stuck with it.
RF, receive your sms, I don't know where to eat too. Wat type of cuisine do you want?
Got to Sleep look at the time!
Or else gonna doze off in lecture again.
And dn't know how to face Ms ching tml... didn't pract much lor
sigh sigh!
Enjoyable Weekends
Kinda of long since I last updated my blog.
This weekend was interesting. I cancelled my sat teaching and went down to chijmes with my parents and David to meet up with a staff in chijmes to discuss on the details of the wedding package they offered.
She brought us up to a staff entrance place to look down at one of the christian wedding that is holding in the afternoon. This couple has 20 tables, they had their church wedding in chijmes and immediately follow by the wedding lunch banquet.
Saw the atmosphere, change my initial opinion of this place, I like it now. But the only minus point is the stage, it's rather dark.
But can be done to brighten up.
However, MOM don't like it. So, I'm stucked in the middle.
Then went to NATAS fair to look for holiday package. Tried to find emily, but can't find you, tot can see what your company has any good promotions. But I scout the whole place can't find you and don't know which company so I gave up.
David was interested with the package offered by SA tours so we went back to them and bought a free & easy package to Bali. A place which he wanted to go badly.. So finally his dreams come true. We will leave ont eh 25th nov for 4 days... gonna enjoy the spa and massage.
Then sun, usual church and teach. Then met up with David's australia uni frens for dinner at the buffet in suntec. Kinda of weird but still have two of the girlfriends whom i can talk to. So was alright after all. Then went to brahause for drink at milenia walk.
His fren brian was so funny, kit was rich and successful bizness man (singapore LKY's scholar).
We stayed there still 10pm and left.
Tired, did some work and decided to go to bed.
Now, continue MOA schumann songs aiyo..... so vast don't know wat to analysis anyway. Just do it. wrong then see how

Oki time for more updates, hasn't update my blog for so long. Dont' understand where did glenn, my cousins has the energy and the time to do that?? HOw you guys do that?
Last thurs lesson with ms ching was oki. Then went for fellowship in the evening. Pastor Teo K H spoke on blessed assurance. Was a useful message. Then supper at hougang.
Last friday, teached and went to church in the evening again, this evening is to play for prayer meeting. . seem so long after the last time I played. Uncle chee leong shared on habakuk chpa 3. The last chp of the book. Interesting and the last verse is good.
Last sat (3sept), a long day for me. Teach two kids one at home the other travelled. But my darling fetch me there which saved me lots of time in travelling. Then so nice of him, he waited in his pick-up for an hour then fetch me home... this is something he had been doing lately for me. AND....I am touched and really appreciate.
Then he fetched me to church again at 7.30pm, for a worship leader and pianists training. Was fun, saw the different services procedures and how to speak clearly and wat to say and not to say. Had fun with the SF and YF.
Didn't had time to stay behind to chit chat tho. Cos.....
Darling picked me up and off to his place, then I get changed and make up within 20 mins we are out of the house to Rouge at alley bar. Jen and elmo celebration and they had booked a table there. The place was nice and comfy but it happen to have a rock band perf and they are horrible. Drums louder than anything else on stage. To me is like a tom tom set perf.
Then, there were lots of screaming (typical of rock) trying to show their coolness. All of us couldn't take it. More over, I had headache the whole and it went off in the evening. With this rock band making so much noise, my headache 'visited' me again la. Kinda of disappointed, didn't drink much cos mostly diluted no kick! tot of going elsewhere but all are tired and left. Darling hungry so we went mac for supper...then went home
Group photo taken at the club.
That's end my sat!