Bad day!
I hate her! Why does she has to put me down all the times? Wat is wrong with her or me?
I just don't understand.
Concert- 2nd piece horrible, not only I said, the prinicple cellist is no good, how can she play with the solosit. The soloist looked nervous today. Glenn the bitch in NUSSO think became the principle, she is just bad just now, flat all the way. Clarence and me missed u more when we saw that scene cos if you ard we felt that it will sound definitely better, like the musical waltz solo.
The part time pianist (cos her main role is cellist) played lots of funny notes and spread chords that miss one or two notes...
The first piece was not bad, and maybe cos I don't know tat piece well enuff la..
Where are my good days?
Today was a bad day for me. Extracted my wisdom tooth yest... There is no surgery done, the dentist just pulled out by force. It really shake my whole jaw..Felt my skull cracking. Tried to go to school today but after counterpoint lecture, I felt not right... whole head seem to shake and vibrate and in pain... so in the end decided to go home. Took a cab and head right to bed till 4 plus and still pain, eyes swollen too....Then, cos of scanner, I almost fell out with my cousin. Fortunately, she is kinda of forgiving. I'm really blur, uncle said want to borrow scanner for his work I assumed alot of stuff and borrowed to him on behalf.. causing my cousin's unahppiness...really blur la... David also reprimanded me for my insensitive....I met cousin's mom at my place, she also seem angry. I told uncle that I'll get the scanner from him next month cos most prob gonna to use for piano rep portfolio. Then I'm going to return to my cousin. If can, will try not to borrow from her alreadi... cos of this I felt so unhappy and guilty and etc.... dont' like this feeling. Then student's mom called want to change their kids to trinity syllabus, not familiar and she is giving me stress she wants her daughter to take 2 grades in a year.... Going to find out about the syllabus this weekend...Students exam end of aug and need to run ard to studio again... i'm going to be super tired... think also tired. Then worst, I don't know wat happen - misunderstanding? I created another problem to david, cos of my phone conversation, he couldn't collect his laminated notice from the photocopy shop. Saw him so angry, I'm so scare but not really my fault wat, I"m talking on then hp mah, actually he could have asked me to walk and talk at the same time, I also don't know why he didn't do it.I felt so bad......What a Day! I'm having headache yet, more painful troubles added on.... wat is this?Give me a break!
Poly Fren Gathering

Today was our poly frens class gathering but sad to say end up only 10 of us actually not bad half the class turn up tho. our side jenny couldn't turn but the other half of the class liping joined us. I"m happy that she is joining us more and hope she will be in future.
Okie we met at thai express at esplanade at 6pm. Bought my gift exchange and reached there about 10 min late and met elmo on my way

After went in, found out that Sharon lost her way in the bus she took and will be very late. We went ahead without her ahahah. The food are not bad but the ambience is good. After our dinner, Sharon reached panting and perspire like nobody biz. ahah. ... They wanted desserts so I suggested Tea Room, they said oki and we went..... then they just started complaining.... and critising...I am upset. Keep quiet and tried to make myself happy. Anyway, after dinner, they are going for KTV, doesn't care if I go or not so I decided not to even Guay asked out of courtesy.... cos I personally don't like it... rather go home and can't wait to get home... oh! met Yiwei, I don't know why but felt happy to see her there.... just brighten my mood at that moment. Watever, maybe I"m over sensitive.... Called Darling on my walk home from interchange, told him how I felt and he consoled me with a rather good and acceptable theory thus, don't feel so sad but I still quite disturbed by it... just don't understand.. Why Minyu and YS will liked the place not them??? maybe I also shouldn't intro to church ppl or else they gonna find something to complain that place. Forget it... I don't want anyone to spoil my mood if I want to go back there again.... Tat's a place I feel I can calm down and think of things...
Came home uploaded my photos.
Benny's birthday
Last thurs was Benny's birthday, he is 29 yrs old already.....
The small birthday party was organised by nat, dotz etc... was pretty well done..
Benny was happy can see that from his face.
Oh! the girls took the swensen's balloons for him too actually those are meant for children. heehee... he is young at heart la.
Look at the pics....
Another week has passed!
So fast, the times flies when go to school... one week and week after week just pased...The last few weeks was okie... no piano lesson with teacher, so kinda of have more times to catch up and learn up my new sonata piece. *phew*! or else this week don't know wat to hand upReally dread to go for performance class, this thurs she was picked almost all the student to play something... Lucky, I kept mumblind - die die die... apparantly she heard la so end up i didn't get called ahaahhaha.....oh oh Dr Tan, her lessons were good.... and exciting.. Lots of discussion and rapport even history is more like story telling then keep copying notes and get all our hands tired.. hmm... this is was we go through in Dr Kan's class hahah... both Drs butTan from US and Kan from UK. Their method of teaching also different.... oh oh.. in our music pedagogy class we had a debate of pros and cons of music examination in sg. I'm in the Pros group with a group of wonderful classmate in my team... like lifeng, gabriel, bernard and etc.. they are so hyper and enthusiatic which is so good... I really enjoy the lesson... Today, had chamber choir sang two new songs, 1 by brahms and the other by Debussy.. They are lovely... Enjoyed....will try to pract before chamber... concert on oct 21Taught my niece today, don't know why I just find her irritating and naughty... Can't help but scold... notes that she know how to read one bar before she can forget after two bars.... 1/4 count tell me half count and still talked to me in an attitude that I don't know... arrggghhh... rascal.... Then after lesson stayed over to do her tution homework, almost every other question she will ask me for answer... MCQ can still ask me the meaning of all 4 words then I really wonder how she survived in school. Her brain is so lazy can't take it... then do homework less than 30 mins she is in my bed saying that she is tired and need a nap..... WAT IS THIS??? It makes me worry wat will be my future children like????
The first week of school was rather light, lesson with piano teacher was ok so far thank God.
Sat night, I decided to give myself a last shopping chance for this sem cos I know when school start I don't think I go anywhere alreadi.. My poor darling got to spend his weekend in his jb home with his mom or else in singapore looking at me practice while he play his maple story so boring but no choice...
We went taka met up with dad and mom... did shopping... DAD bought his basketball shoe from queensway shopping center earlier and the pair cost $147. Then mom also in a mood to buy workout shoe.... so in the end she bought a pair of addidas....$149 after discount.... Then my turn hahaha a buy footwear day... I bought a timberland slipper for $126 after disc hahah... all on Dad's account.. so happy. Then we went to NUDE restaurant for dinner the food is rather good, we open a bottle of red wine... first time see dad so ONs on having wine... and the bill came up to $184. hahaha...wat a spendthrift day for our family but heard that Dad got his bonus so in his shopping mood haha...Ohoh realise dad like to ask ppls to buy things... actually mom and my footwear are bought under his persuasion... so like me... I like to see frens buy things when go shopping......don't know why
Sun after church went to teach then met up with youth for dinner... at marina square but while waiting for the rest. jason, cat, angeline, me and david went shopping hhaha.. we tried on few tops but not nice... while the last one to reach was RF so we went to sony shop first... ahah jason and david played PSP.... they looked like two big kids so cute.. shoppers were staring at them... so funny..
Then we ended up at cafe cartel... spacious... diff from other branches I had been..
we chat lots of stuff till almost 10pm... talking about the 8th aug outing, 9th aug jonathan wedding and also combine camp and a holi with all the youth.... if any youth read my blog... we thinking going to Bali and staying at hard rock hotel this year end... not exp... 3 days 2 nights. We took the catalouge from price breaker agency. comments oki....
oh oh... then 9 pm all the cakes were at half price... while everyone said they are full... I decided to buy a slice... Then I told them a slice is about $2. Jimmy stood up and walk to the cashier followed by cat..... then jason said hmm.. next time we can all go shopping till 9pm then walked into the cafe cartel to have their cakes... it taste good and cheap....Uncle uncle... but true
We all had a good laugh...
Left as all have to work the next day or school.... sian...
1st Day of School
Finally, the school started alreadi today.... Actually, I'm excited when I saw my classmates in school and some old classmate who had deferred and now they are back even tho not in the same class... like daniel, choong leong and shu han.
Choong leong had become more jovial and open. He was so funny today.
Aiya, as usual time to choose for electives modules.... sian... really don't know wat to choose. Given 10 choices. I have 6 which I like. And 6 choices to rank from my 1st to 6th. Thought through and discuss with minyu... and many ppl have different opinion.. Wow, some classmates made very clear cut decision unlike me think too much. So I prayed for guidances and to make the choice...
Finally, decided ethnomusicology by thomas will go first and Piano accompaniment will go 2nd no choice... thinking of taking extra modules
See how much first.
today, a classmate was very sweet and really thankful, she wrote a letter of encouragment for me, I'm so happy and touched... just by looking my nick on msn she realised my unhappiness and cared for me...
Thank God for having a sis in christ! May God Bless her!
I will learn to be happier in school and to lean on God... this year resolution...hahah even tho not new year hahah
My PC is Revived!
Very happy! my pc is ok alreadi. Finally can publish my post properly...
Must thank God for few things that had happen to me last few days.. Must count my blessings one by one...
1. He answered my prayer for a smooth piano lesson which turned out to be oki..
2. He also answered my prayer for my aural re-test... it was so amazingly that I pulled through... if not I'll failed by 1.5 or 0.5 marks and have to re-do the whole module..
3. Our church YF & SF anni thanksgiving service was a success... thank you God!
Of course, I also want to thank Mr G. Thank you....
Was a happy day that day... was in shock from the marking, till know my results and on my way home....
Oh today, my pc was saved and 'healed' from the 'viruses'. Now my pc is so 'clean' that it works at a fast pace hahahah...
hmm.. Now I'm thinking of watching the new movie - Fantastic Four. Anybody interested? date me...

this is taken recently too... Today was a blur day... went to teacher house for lesson but ended up she made a mistake.. nvm is oki... but tml will be the actual one alreadi. So sad, my holiday seem to end earlier than everyone else. today went to hand up the fee for re-assessment. actually don't even want to bother but think ai ya just go lor and try again if really cannot pass then retake module or watever... don't care. Can't wait to get over and done with... stupide school, since young I have never hate going to school only NAFA gave me this feeling... mom said when i'm 3 yrs old I started to bug her to let me go school... and after that I havn't never hated going back to school during poly days is can't wait to go back... anyway, still had a nice dinner to compensate all my unhappiness la.. My darling brought me to siglap road and we walked and walked and finally decided to eat Secret Recipe.. wow... Yummy.. then we drove around to see the nice houses. How I wish one day I can stay in one of those nice ones... really sad can't wait to fix this idiot pc... or else I'm running out of photos to blog alreadi....

Don't know if I have put this pic online. They are black roses... isn't it mysterious and cool and unique...

Our little handsome in church... Xuan Xuan's little bro... his name is hao yi.....

Group photos of YF and SF with our two pastors... This photos ends our day tat day happily.... and we separated into two groups for coffee

Group photos of YF but with some absentees and oh our future YF members

was so sad...think she might be thinking hei that's my first kiss lei....and i havn't give permission hahahaahah

he finally stole a kiss from the girl without her agreement hahaha... then the poor girl

little Xuan Xuan! I'm lucky to be able to carry her that day. Quick Quick take pic But don't know why my bro nick doing in the photos and trying to steal a kiss from the littel girl hahah... failed but .....he tried many times and..

Our Swensen's ice cream provider... Auntie meng hong... see the amount of ice -cream. There are so many flavour... even wasabe... nose will be definitely unblock hahah

Makan time... auntie mengyue did kueh patie. i hope i spelt correctly.. yummy!! God blessed with mummys who can cooked well.. We are always blessed with many food.. but as wat Jason and nic said can't pin hope on the next generation hahahah....

SF presenting their hymn ... they are good. They sang well too ...

Looking back at the pass photos really bring back lots of memories... most of all our dear bro and sis who are not with us for very long.. RF lots ask about u. when you coming back??

Promise more photos from our SF & YF ANNI. this is the program sheet and our door give they are soo cute.....

makan time... but still take time to take pictures. Wanting u did well as a chairman today... To GOD be the glory!

Today a long day, wake up at 8.30 from yesterday a long day too and night drinking... went drinking but basically i'm the one drinking...Glenn miss u. Havn't found a drinking kaki as good as u yet... Anyway today taught a student at 9.30am. Then went to church to set up the place for our SF & YF 2nd Anni thanksgiving service. Was fun and really fun. We presented two songs. One is by YF the other is combine. We sang well in God's grace. So many church bro and sis came so happy... and some of the aunties cooked wowowo...delicious and yummy. Ate to my fill.. Then best swensens ice cream from the church uncle who is one of the top managment staff in Swensen Co. Yummy ice -cream!. We took lots of pictures will slowly put in the blog. Then after that 7 of us went to siglap to have 2nd round of tea and coffee. We chat lots about school, camp, and many. I realise I had a good chat with emily... we could find common topic and enjoy myself talking to everyone.. too bad jason and cat left or else I think we can talk even more hahaah... ohoh... too bad my darling not around he missed all the fun.. I'm going to tell him how nice and fun we had hahaha .. oh must tell him bro moses missed him.